Page 110 - Chemistry ICSE Class IX
P. 110

98                                                                                      ICSE Chemistry – 9

                                           EXAMPLE 4.2.ഩComplete the following table:
                                                                              Number of
                                            Element   Atomic no.                                     Mass number
                                                                    protons   electrons   neutrons
                                               A          17          ––          ––         18            ––
                                               B          ––          ––          14         14            ––
                                               C          ––           9          ––         ––            19
                                           Solution: For an atom, we know that,
                                                        Atomic number =  No. of protons
                                                        No. of electrons =  No. of protons = Atomic number
                                                          Mass number =  No. of protons + No. of neutrons
                                           Using these relationships, the gaps in the above table are  lled up as follows. (The
                                            lled numbers are shown in bold).

                                                                               Number of                  Mass
                                            Element    Atomic no.
                                                                    protons    electrons   neutrons     number
                                               A           17          17         17          18           35
                                               B           14          14         14          14           28
                                               C           9           9           9          10           19

                                           EXAMPLE 4.3.  Fill in the blanks.
                                                Atom          Mass no.        Atomic no.        No. of neutrons
                                                60  Co           ––               ––                  ––
                                                ––  Na           24               11                  ––
                                                 37  Cl          ––               ––                  20
                                           Solution: We know that,
                                                    Number on the top-left of the symbol is Mass number.
                                                    Number at the bottom-left of the symbol is Atomic number.
                                           Using the relationship
                                                          Mass number =  Atomic number + No. of neutrons
                                           one can calculate values of the missing quantities (shown in bold). The completed
                                           table is,
                                                Atom          Mass no.        Atomic no.        No. of neutrons
                                                60  Co           60               27                  33
                                                24 Na            24               11                  13
                                                 37  Cl          37               17                  20
                                           EXAMPLE 4.4.  What would be the electronic configuration of positively
                                           charged sodium ion, Na  ? Which nearest noble gas does it resemble?
                                           Solution: The atomic number of sodium (Na) is 11. Its electronic con guration is
                                           2, 8, 1. Na  ion is obtained when one electron is lost from sodium atom.
                                                            Na     o      Na +        +         e
                                                     So,    2, 8, 1         2, 8              electron
                                           So, the electronic con guration of Na  is 2, 8. The electronic con guration 2, 8 is
                                           the electronic con guration of neon (Ne). Thus, Na  resembles neon (Ne) in its
                                           electronic con guration.
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