Page 112 - Chemistry ICSE Class IX
P. 112

100                                                                                      ICSE Chemistry – 9
                                                For example,
                                                Sodium atom has an electronic con guration of 2, 8, 1. The electronic
                                           con guration of sodium atom is shown in Fig. 4.14(a). The outermost shell,
                                           i.e., M-shell of sodium contains only one electron (2, 8, 1). So, the number
                                           of valence electron in sodium is one.
                                                Similarly, in the case of chlorine, there are seven electrons (2, 8, 7)
                                           in its outermost shell (M-shell). So, the number of valence electrons in
                                           chlorine is seven, Fig. 4.14(b).
                     Sodium atom                According to the  electronic theory  of valency, the valency of an
               (It has only one valence electron)  element is de ned as the number of electrons it transfers to some other
                                           atom or it shares with some other atom, during any chemical reaction is
                                           called its valency.
                                                In general, the valency of an element is equal to the number of valence
                                           electrons or equal to eight minus the number of valence electrons. The
                                           valency of an element depends upon the nature of the reaction in which
                                           that element is involved.
                                                The modern approach to the concept of valency is based on the electronic
                                           concept of the atom.

                         (b)               How can the electronic configuration of an element
                     Chlorine atom
               (It has seven valence electrons)  explain its chemical reactivity
            Fig. 4.14 Electronic con¿gurations of   The GNGEVTQPKE EQPſIWTCVKQP of an element gives an idea about its reactivity.
           sodium and chlorine describing valence   The elements having a completely  lled outermost orbit (or shell) will
                                           be chemically inert (non-reactive). For example, the outermost shell in the
                                           case of helium (He), neon (Ne) and argon (Ar) are completely  lled. As
                                           a result, helium, neon and argon are chemically inactive (or inert). These
                                           elements do not form compounds with other elements.
                                                        Total number of   Distribution of electrons in various shells
                                                           electrons          K             L              M
                                                He             2              2
                                                Ne            10              2             8
                                                Ar            18              2             8              8
                                                Because of this chemical inactivity, these gases are called noble gases
                                           (earlier these were called inert gases).
                                                The elements containing only one or seven electrons in their
                                           outermost shell show greater chemical reactivity, i.e., such elements react
                                           very fast with other elements. For example, sodium and chlorine having
                                           the following electronic con gurations are highly reactive:
                                                Sodium 2, 8, 1  —  Here, the outermost shell has only one electron:
                                                                    one more than the completely  lled shell.
                                                Chlorine 2, 8, 7  —  Here, the outermost shell has seven electrons:
                                                                    one less than required to  ll the shell completely.

                                                Illustrative Questions

            Q.1.  What is the ground state of an atom?
            Ans.  The state of an atom in which all the electrons in the atom are in their lowest energy levels is called the ground
                state of the atom.
            Q.2.  Which electrons of an atom are involved in the bond formation between different atoms?
           Ans. In bond formation, only the valence electrons (the electrons in the outermost shell) of an atom are involved.
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