Page 120 - Chemistry ICSE Class IX
P. 120

108                                                                                      ICSE Chemistry – 9
                                                                Mg          o           Mg 2+      +       2e –
                                                              magnesium atom          magnesium ion
                                                                (2,8,2)                   (2,8)
                                                                                    (neon con guration)
                                                    2Cl    +     2e         o           2Cl –
                                                chlorine atom                          chloride ion
                                                   (2,8,7)                               (2,8,8)
                                                                                    (argon con guration)
                                                   Mg 2+   +    2Cl         o        Mg (Cl )      o       MgCl 2
                                                Diagrammatically, formation of magnesium chloride can be shown
                                           as follows:

                                           Calcium oxide (CaO)
                                           Calcium oxide is a compound of calcium (Ca) and oxygen (O). The atomic
                                           number of calcium is 20 and that of oxygen is 8. Calcium is electropositive
                                           (or metallic) element and oxygen is electronegative (nonmetallic) element.
                                                The electronic con guration of calcium is  K L M N   and of oxygen
                                                                                           2   8     8     2
                                           is   K L  . Calcium atom (Ca) gains stability by losing two electrons, and
                                               2  6
                                           oxygen atom by gaining two electrons as shown below:
                                                                 Ca         o           Ca 2+      +       2e –
                                                               (2,8,8,2)                 (2,8,8)
                                                              calcium atom             calcium ion
                                                                                    (argon con guration)
                                           and      O      +     2e         o            O 2–
                                                    (2,6)                                 (2,8)
                                                 oxygen atom                            oxide ion
                                                                                    (neon con guration)
                                                   Ca 2+   +    O           o          Ca O        o      CaO
                                                 calcium ion      oxide ion        calcium and oxide ions     calcium
                                                                                  are bonded due to coulombic     oxide
                                                                                     force of attraction
                                                Diagrammatically, formation of calcium oxide can be shown as follows:

                                           Covalent Bond

                                           The bond formed due to mutual sharing of electrons by the combining
                                           atoms is called covalent bond.
                                                A covalent bond may be de ned as follows:
                                                # EQXCNGPV DQPF KU FGſPGF CU VJG HQTEG QH CVVTCEVKQP DGVYGGP VJG
                                           two combining atoms due to mutual sharing of electrons.
                                                The shared pair of electrons lies between the nuclei of the two atoms.
                                           Both the nuclei attract the shared pair of electrons. The shared pair of
                                           electrons thus keep them together, and a stable bond is formed.
           The shared pair of electrons keeps
               the two nuclei together          The covalent bond formed due to the sharing of one pair of electrons
                                           is represented by a single dash (–) between the two atoms. For example,
                                           two hydrogen atoms when combine by mutual sharing, share one pair of
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