Page 118 - Chemistry ICSE Class IX
P. 118

106                                                                                      ICSE Chemistry – 9
                                                6JG GNGEVTQPKE EQPſIWTCVKQP QH 0G        KU OQTG UVCDNG CU EQORCTGF
                                           to those of F (2, 7) and Na (2, 8, 1). Atoms of  uorine and sodium gain
                                           stability by acquiring the electronic con guration of the nearest noble gas
                                           neon (2, 8). This is achieved as follows:
                                             ƒ  Atoms gain stability by transfer of electron(s)
                                               Fluorine atom has seven electrons in its outermost shell. It would
                                                become stable if it acquires 8 electrons in its outermost shell. This
                                                would be possible if a  uorine (F) atom gains an electron, i.e.,
                                                    F        +           e         o          F –
                                                   (2, 7)                                     (2, 8)
                                                  uorine atom                                uoride ion
                                                                                         (neon con guration)
                                               Thus, ƀWQTKPG  (  CVQO ICKPU UVCDKNKV[ D[ ICKPKPI QPG GNGEVTQP VQ
                                                complete its octet.
                                               Sodium atom (Na) has only one electron in its outermost shell.
                                                Sodium atom (Na) would become stable, if it loses one electron and
                                                attain the con guration of neon (2, 8), i.e.,
                                                                         Na        o         Na  +         e –
                                                                        (2, 8, 1)             (2, 8)
                                                                     sodium atom            sodium ion
                                                                                         (neon con guration)
                                               Thus, sodium (Na) atom gains stability by losing one electron.
                                             ƒ  Atoms acquire stability by sharing electrons
                                               Two  uorine atoms can also acquire stable noble gas con guration
                                                by mutual sharing of electrons, i.e.,

                                               Here,  uorine atoms gain stability by sharing of electrons.
                                                        atoms gain stability by either losing/gaining or by mutual
                                                      sharing of the valence electrons,  i.e., all atoms (except
                                                      hydrogen) during chemical reactions, tend to have eight
                                                      electrons in their outermost shell by either losing, gaining or
                                                      by sharing the electrons.
                                               Hydrogen atom tends to lose its only electron in its outermost shell in
                                                all chemical reactions or gain one more electron to have two electrons
                                                in its outermost shell (electronic con guration of He is 2 electrons in
                                                its outermost shell).

                                                             H            o          H +     +      e –
                                                             (1)                       (0)         electron
                                                           hydrogen atom           hydrogen ion

                                                        H    +    e       o          H –
                                                        (1)     electron               (2)
                                                    hydrogen atom                  hydride ion
                                                                                (helium con guration)
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