Page 138 - Chemistry ICSE Class X
P. 138

124                                                                                     ICSE Chemistry – 10
                                           Solution:                        A            :         B
                                                       Volume:             100 mL                 50 mL
                                                       No. of molecules:     x                     ?
                                           According to the Avogadro’s law, equal volumes of two gases under similar
                                           conditions would contain the same number of molecules. Therefore,
                                                    100 mL of gas B would contain x molecules
                                                    50 mL of gas B would contain =   x × 50   molecules =   molecules
                                                                                  100              2
                                           EXAMPLE 5.11.  Samples of the gases, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and
                                           carbon monoxide under the same conditions of temperature and pressure
                                           contain the same number of molecules, (say X). The molecules of oxygen (O )
                                           occupy V litres and have a mass of 8 g.
                                                   (a)  What is the volume occupied by

                                                        (i) X molecules of nitrogen (N )?
                                                       (ii) 2X molecules of carbon monoxide (CO)?
                                                   (b)  What is the mass of CO  in grams?
                                                   (c)   In answering the above questions, which law would you use?
                                                       (Atomic masses are : C = 12, N = 14, O = 16)

                                           Solution: The given data are rearranged as follows:
                                           Gas:                 Oxygen     Nitrogen      Carbon       Carbon
                                                                                         dioxide     monoxide
                                           No. of molecules:       X          X            X            X
                                           Volume:                V L
                                           Mass of gas:           8 g

                                                    Equal volumes of gases under similar conditions of temperature and
                                           pressure contain the same number of molecules. Therefore,
                                                    (a)  (i)  Volume occupied by X molecules of N  = V L
                                                        (ii)  Volume occupied by 2X molecules of CO = 2 × V L = 2V L
                                                    (b)  On molar basis        O        {         CO 2
                                                                              1 mol               1 mol
                                                                           2 × 16 g = 32 g      (12 g + 2 × 16 g) = 44 g
                                             Therefore,                     32 g of O    {     44 g of CO 2
                                                                                           44 g
                                           So,                               8 g of O    =     32 g   × 8 g of CO  = 11 g
                                                    (c)   In answering the above question, the Avogadro’s law has been
                                           EXAMPLE 5.12.  The volumes of gases A, B, C and D are in the ratio of 1 : 2 : 2 : 4
                                           under the same conditions of temperature and pressure.
                                                    (a)  Which sample of gas contains the maximum number of molecules?
                                                    (b)  If the temperature and pressure of gas A are kept constant, then
                                                       what will happen to the volume of A, when the number of its
                                                       molecules is doubled?
                                                    (c)  If the ratio of gas volumes refers to the reactants and products of
                                                       a reaction, which gas law is being observed?
                                                    (d)  If the volume of A is actually 5.6 L at STP, calculate the number of
                                                       molecules in the actual volume of D at STP. [Avogadro’s number:
                                                       6.02 × 10 ]
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