Page 195 - Chemistry ICSE Class X
P. 195

Metallurgy                                                                                           181

          How can you predict whether a given element is a metal or
          a nonmetal
          Metals and nonmetals show characteristic physical and chemical properties.
          the given element is a metal or nonmetal. This is illustrated in Table 7.4.

                                  Table 7.4  To identify whether an element is a metal or a nonmetal
                                                      Behaviour of the given element                  Conclusion
          1.  Number of electrons in  1, 2 or 3                                                      Metal
            the outermost shell       4 to 8                                                         Nonmetal

          2. Malleability and ductility  Malleable and ductile                                       Metal
                                      Nonmalleable and nonductile, i.e., brittle                     Nonmetal

          3. Conductivity             Good conductor of heat and electricity                         Metal
                                      Nonconductor of heat and electricity. Graphite, however, is the only  Nonmetal
                                      nonmetal which is a good conductor of heat and electricity.
          4. Nature of oxide          Basic oxides that dissolve in water to give an alkaline solution. Such a  Metal
                                      solution turns red litmus blue.
                                      Acidic or neutral oxides that dissolve in water to give an acidic   Nonmetal
                                      solution. Such a solution turns blue litmus red.
          5. Reaction with dilute acids The element reacts with an acid and hydrogen gas is evolved. The less  Metal
                                      active metals, however, do not displace hydrogen from acids.
                                      No reaction, i.e., no hydrogen gas is evolved.                 Nonmetal
          6. With hydrogen            An ionic hydride is formed.                                    Metal
                                      A covalent hydride is formed.                                  Nonmetal

          7. With chlorine            An ionic chloride is formed.                                   Metal
                                      A covalent chloride is formed.                                 Nonmetal

                                                Illustrative Questions

            Q.1.  State which of the following metals would give hydrogen when added to dilute hydrochloric acid:
                (a) Iron             (b) Copper               (c) Magnesium
            Ans.  Iron and magnesium give hydrogen when added to dilute hydrochloric acid.
            Q.2.  Name two metals which will displace hydrogen from dilute acids, and two metals which will not displace.
            Ans.  Metals that will displace hydrogen from dilute acids — Zinc, Magnesium
                 Metals that will not displace hydrogen from dilute acids — Copper, Silver
            Q.3.  What type of solution – acidic, basic or neutral, is formed by dissolving the oxides of Group 1 in water?
            Ans.  The oxides of Group 1 metals when dissolved in water give alkaline (basic) solutions.
            Q.4.  Name two metals which can form hydrides with hydrogen.
            Ans.  The metals which form hydrides with hydrogen are
                 Sodium: sodium gives sodium hydride [NaH(s)]
                 Calcium: calcium gives calcium hydride [CaH (s)]
            Q.5.  What type of oxides are formed when nonmetals combine with oxygen ?
            Ans.  Nonmetals when combine with oxygen give neutral or acidic oxides. For example, carbon when combines with
                oxygen gives two oxides:
                 Ŗ  %CTDQP OQPQZKFG   ō %1      0GWVTCN
                 Ŗ  %CTDQP FKQZKFG   ō %1  2    Acidic
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